Please read carefully as enrollment constitues an understanding and acceptance of
these rules.
While I hope above all that the students enjoy themselves and have a great deal of fun, I feel
I am here to teach them something. This is why there must be an atmosphere of good discipline. I am a dance teacher, not a
disciplinarian. By good discipline I mean minimal talking and cutting up, and participation is most important. * The following
will be put into effect this year: If our class is interrupted in any way because of a child talking continuously, not participating,
distracting the other children, talking back, using inappropriate language, or disobeying the general class rules, I will
have that child call a perent to come and pick them up immediately. The child will be forewarned. There is no reason why I
or any other child should be subjected to the above behavior in a dance class. I will explain to the kids what is expected
of them. I also ask that you talk with your children about this before classes begin.
Tuition: There is a $40.00 registration fee due at the time of registration. The first tuition payment is due at
the time of your child's first class. For the months that follow, tuition is due the first class of each month.If there
is a problem with paying on time, please let me know! I am very understanding about this when informed. If payment is
made after the tenth of the month, add a $25.00 late fee. Tuition is to be paid monthly even if a student misses class
or classes. There is no prorating for the holidays. This lost time works itself out throughout the year, usually at recital
Attendance:All students are expected to attend regularly. If a student misses off and on each month,
they cannot get the full benefit of training. I really appreciate it if you will call and let me know if your child is going
to be absent. If a child misses a class, it needs to be made up within two weeks. This is especially so for the more
advanced ballet classes. You can check with me for times. When we begin working on our dances for recital it is so important
that your child be consistent!! A child should not miss more than 3 times from January through Apirl Please consider carefully
whether you and your child can commit to a performance in April.
Parent Visitation: Classes are closed
which means weekly observation is not allowed. There will be an observation day on the third week of each month. Parents may
watch that week in the place provided. As those of you who have had me in the past know, I would not keep a parent or relative
from watching if they wanted to. The reason I stopped weekly observation, was that it became too distracting.
Attire:*Information on the "classes" page*
Hair: Hair must be pulled back!!!!!!For very short hair,
clips or headbands are fine. For Jazz, longer hair must be pulled at least into a ponytail. Ballet students must have their
hair up in a bun. Having hair up is a must!!!!!! This past year I have provided rubber bands and scrunchies on a weekly
basis. Having hair up is as important as dance attire and shoes. Please make sure your children have what they need to get
their hair up. *Additional information on the "classes" page*
Shoes:The strings on ballet shoes can be
tightened to where it is comfortable on the foot, then tied in a knot twice and the extra cut with scissors. This will prevent
strings from being pulled out and have to constantly tie bows.
Holidays: We will be off on Labor Day,
The week of Thanksgiving, Two weeks at Christmas and possibly one week for Spring break. On any other holiday we will be
dancing!!! If your child does not have school, we still have dance. When in doubt, check the front door or website. They
will have the information you need.
Mark your calendar: Next years recital will be on either Saturday,
April 24th or Saturday, May 1st.
I hope I have covered everything. If I did not, please call me at home. I am
looking forward to next year!! Tena